Thursday, January 3, 2013

One of Those Days

Do you ever have those days that just work.  Boy do I love those kind of days.  And yesterday just happened to be one of them.  We spent the entire day in our jammies.  And we played.  And we colored.  And we read books.  And Katie only got in trouble a couple of times (for what? not listening, of course).  It was little things - like Jack taking bottles wonderfully.  And he took a 2 hour nap in the morning (at around 11) and then a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon (at around 3:15).  We were all in good moods.  And it just worked.  Maybe it was because it seemed a bit more "normal" around the house - we put up all the Christmas decor on New Year's Day.  And Brad was back to work yesterday.  Or maybe it was that I focused more on the kids and less on other distractions.  I don't know what the right combination was, but it was so wonderful.  And I plan to try to figure out exactly what worked.  
I do know that part of my 2013 goals is to not be so "connected" - I don't need my phone with me at all times.  And I don't need to be glued to Facebook.  I need to play with my babies.  And read more.  And cook.  And keep the house tidy.  And exercise.  Whew!  Makes me tired just thinking of all of that!  But for now, these kiddos are top priority during the day! And I am going to try harder this year to make sure they know it!


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