Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What We've Been Up To Lately

Whew!  I decided to do a great big catch up post - we have been so incredibly busy lately!  And with only a few days left in this year (and obviously at least one Christmas post), this is what I decided to do.  And I have been just using my phone to take pictures for things, so I waited until most of the pictures I had were from there!
The weekend after Christmas we got all of the decorations out of the garage and put up the Christmas tree!  The kids love it and have actually done a good job leaving it alone!
That evening, we went out with some friends to watch the Iron Bowl - we had a blast (even though the end result wasn't exactly what I had hoped for)!  It was a great game and so fun to spend time with the neighbors (we missed you, Jill)! -- I also just realized that the picture of Jenn and myself is on there twice.  One of them was supposed to be of her and Jeff.  Oops!
The next day Brad and the kids raked up some leaves so things would be ready to get the outdoor lights up!  They had a great time playing and running around outside!
Later that evening, we finally put some ornaments on!  The kids had a blast! 
I just love eating lunch with Katie!  This day, I ate lunch with her and then volunteered in her classroom!  It is so neat to see all of the kids in their element.
That evening we did all of the shopping for our Angel Tree kiddos!  Each year we get the same age and gender as out kiddos so they can help pick things out and start understanding the joy of giving!
We also made a visit to see Santa!  It was great - and Jack was so smiley at first!  The people in front of us couldn't decide what pictures they wanted (which has to be done before the next group in line can do a picture) - so by the time they were ready, Jack had discovered the elevator across the way and was watching it go up and down :)  It looks like he is trying to decide whether he has been good this year or not!
That night, I took Katie to her art show at school!  This was her piece of art that was featured - and of course we had to bring it home :)
And hooray for Friday!  The kids were so happy and cooperative for a picture that morning!
That night we met Tanja and Nick for dinner - never dull with these kiddos in tow!
The kids did bookmarks and art with Cee Cee the next morning!  She took them to church to be included in letters or cards for other church members that may be sick or in need!
Whoa!  I caught a moment of them being sweet to eachother!  They already love aggravating eachother, so these moments are that much more special!
Katie's school had a Pastries and Parents breakfast - Brad was out of town, so I took all three of mine for donuts and orange juice before school one morning!  Jack loved it and was sad he couldn't stay for school.  And we got to sit with Hannah Jo too!
Since it has gotten colder, we often drive down to the bus stop - but we really enjoy days when we can load up in the stroller!  The boys were all bundled up and ready to see Sister!
We also went to Newks with neighbors since the daddies were out of town :)  Afterwards, we went to look at Christmas lights!
Sometimes Brad will wait to leave for work until Katie gets on the bus - this particular morning he did that (I think he had a call or something from home), and Katie and Jack were so incredibly sweet!  Jack wanted to hold Katie's hand and was aokay with her putting her arm around him!  Amazing!
We went to a fun Christmas breakfast with some of Jack's buddies.  He was less than thrilled about pictures (he was having quite a week, let me tell you -- glad that has passed!), but he did have a great time!
And a cute, festive picture of the two big crazies before we headed out for the trolley :) Love them!
And a cute, smiley picture of this one!
And the kids all looking festive and bright! And smiling! :) Always a plus!
I love this picture of me and Brad - we were able to do a lunch date (with Ryan along for the ride of course) before all the kids were out for the holidays!
And another festive day!  Oh goodness - that hat on Ryan.  It barely fit!
And Katie had her second Girl Scout meeting - first with her "official" vest! :)
And I helped with Katie's class Holiday Party!  She decorated a gingerbread house and they played a game!  Here she is with me and with her teacher too!
And then it was time for a night out with the girlfriends!  JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!  That's right - so, so much fun!
He is such a talented guy - such a fun concert!
And I finally got my hair done!  A haircut (since I am about done losing my hair after having Ryan) and fresh highlights!  Love it!
And we ate at Chuy's with Brad's family and then went to his aunt and uncle's to see their tree with the train going around it!  The kids absolutely loved it!
And Ryan sat up the best he had yet!  I think he was entertained by all of the decorations too!
Sunday night we had Christmas with Tanja and Nick!  We visited and watched Frosty the Snowman and ate dinner and opened presents!  It was just perfect!
Katie and I had a girls morning out...love this picture of us!
And we finished yesterday off at the doctor for Ryan - poor dude.  He has bronchiolitis and sounds awful!
Today we went to Brad's company Christmas lunch!  They have all the spouses and kiddos come and feed us and then have presents for the kids.  Such a nice time!  And then they let the folks leave early :)
While we were there, the kids got to see Daddy's office.  They had fun pushing buttons :)
More posts to come, but that is just a glimpse into some of the craziness we have been up to these last few weeks!  Happy Christmas Eve Eve! :)


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