Monday, January 26, 2015

One Hundred Days Smarter

Last Friday was the 100th day of school - amazing!  How on earth has it already been that long!  I was looking back at pictures from Katie's first day of Kindergarten and am amazed at how much she has changed since then!  Here she is on the first day...
And then on the 100th day...
Folks, meet Gladys.  That's right.  To celebrate the 100th day of learning, the kindergarteners dressed up like they were 100 years old.  And Katie loved it!  I couldn't believe that she actually kept up with everything (even the clip on earrings) and made it home with the rollers still in!  She also carried a pill organizer (empty, of course) with her - she thought that was pretty fun.
And here is the full body view.... 
Such a fun idea to have them dress up and celebrate!  I'm so proud of everything Katie is doing and learning in school.  And she loves going - even better!  She loves her teacher and her friends and learning and having fun.  And here is more of a normal picture from Saturday - close enough to her 100th day :)  She looks so much grown up to me!


1 comment:

  1. She really has changed her looks a lot. They grow up too fast.
