Friday, July 17, 2009

11 Weeks Already!?

Well I'm trying to do better with my weekly updates. Looks like I am getting there! This past Wednesday it had been 11 weeks since Sweet Pea entered the world. Gosh - she has changed so much. She is still sleeping through the night. She has started to grip things and loves it when I put a rattle in her hand. She prefers to play with a rattle in her right hand and hold on to her shirt with her left hand. She has become a lot more alert on our evening walks - she stays awake and just looks around really taking it all in. I think we are going to make the transition to her sleeping in her room soon, so we are aiming to spend more time in there (especially with feeding and changing diapers) so she gets used to it. Can you believe she will be 3 months next week? Eek! I can hardly believe it! I was flipping through her baby book a few nights ago and realized I have some work to do to stay caught up. Well, that's it for now - here are the pictures!

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