Well, today our little girl is 9 weeks old! She is changing and growing everyday it seems! I am actually on the ball this week - posting on the actual day! This morning, we went for a walk (see Baby K all dressed and ready to go for the walk). We also had her 2-month appointment today and MAN has she grown! She now weighs
9 lbs 13 oz and is
22 1/4 inches in length! Her pediatrician said she is "just perfect" and hitting all of the developmental milestones -
yay! She also got a round of immunizations today. She did great - she got the oral dose first, and then the nurse started with the 3 shots. Baby K didn't cry during the first one...I think she was more shocked than anything. She soon realized it hurt and began crying until I picked her up after the last shot. After I gave her the
binky, she was just fine! What a trooper :) Needless to say, we are so glad and thankful we have a healthy baby girl!! Here she is this week (excuse the lighting in some of the pictures from the doctor's office)...
"Mom, I'm ready to go!!"
Just as content and happy as can be!
Playing in her papasan chair at 9 weeks
I sat her up in front of the mirror at the pediatrician's office and she loved it - she would copy the faces I made (as seen above with the surprised face)Giving little girl some kisses before it was time for shots
Boo for shots!
ReplyDeleteChloe has that cute elephant onesie, too!