Today we went for her 9 month appointment. I am happy to report that we all left a little happier because there were no shots! The only thing slightly traumatic was a finger prick to do a routine anemia check. Once the initial shock (pain) wore off, Baby K was so curious as to what the nurse was doing. She was definitely watching very intently! Maybe she was just keeping an eye on that nurse to make sure she wasn't going to prick her finger another time :) At 9 months, Baby K weighs 20 pounds even (65th-75th%) and is 28.25 inches in length (75th percentile). She is right on track and hitting all of the developmental milestones. She is now old enough to eat three meals a day, and pretty much any foods we feel comfortable feeding her. Let the messes begin! We also discussed the switch to cow's milk at 12, will it be nice to not have to buy formula! Here are some other stats at this point in her life:
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 6-9 month still...but planning to make the transition to all 12 month clothes very soon
Food: 4 bottles/day of 7 oz each; she loves anything we will feed her; she loves to feed herself anything small; she is very impatient when it comes to food time; she likes to bite down on the sippy cup
Talking: these are the sounds she makes - "da", "ma", "ba", "puh", "ta", "na", and sometimes "ya"
Crawling: She is like an inchworm! She has not just taken off quite yet but she definitely gets to wherever she wants to go.
Walking: Not yet - no pulling up either.
Sleeping: She sleeps 12-13 hours at night and takes 2 1.5 hour naps (at around 11 and 3)
Teeth: She has 2! The bottom front teeth cut through a couple of days ago.
Other: She knows "clap" and "jump"; she can wave to people; she shakes her head "no" (though I'm not sure she connects that that is what it means)
And as usual, here are some pictures....she is such a ham!
How cute! She looks like a very happy girl! My baby is 14 months, she was only 19lbs at her 12 month check up. My little peanut :) Isn't motherhood the best???