Monday, April 13, 2009

37 Weeks & An Update

First off - this baby is now full-term!! Hooray! By this time, all systems are developed and the baby would be just fine. Clearly, she is welcome to bake as long as possible to ensure that she is healthy and "done", but I am to the point now to where I am getting a bit uncomfortable and would welcome meeting my little one! I went to the doctor this morning - I am dilated to 1 cm and still about 60% effaced. The big issue this morning was my blood pressure - they had to take it about 7 times and it had gotten a bit higher. It ended up being about 120/90 (the bottom number was the issue) - I had no protein in my urine, which is excellent, and all the blood work came back in the normal range. Whew! So, with having higher blood pressure, I now have to go to the doctor's office twice a week. I go back Thursday morning so they are able to keep tabs on my blood pressure. I think if it becomes too much of an issue they will talk inducing, but hopefully we can hold off on that and I will go into labor naturally. In the meantime, I am to rest, relax, prop my feet up, drink plenty of water, and limit my sodium intake. Below is my belly this morning at the doctor's appointment....

PS: This is also the debut of my haircut! I got it cut last week because I was tired of it looking lifeless and dull - I can still pull it back into a ponytail! It has layers and is obviously shorter. It is also still easy to manage, which will definitely come in handy once I am forced to take a 2 minute shower because it is time for the next feeding :)

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