I think it will be good for me to do a monthly recap of the resolutions I gave myself. Maybe that will make me more accountable..? Who knows! But it definitely can't hurt! So here we go:
1) Read 14 books: I have finished one book and have started me second one.
2) Learn to sew: Nope. Nothing.
3) Cook more frequently (2-3 times/week): This one is hard. When Brad travels for work, I don't want to cook for just me and Katie. I will say that it seems like we are doing better about eating out. I call that a half success :)
4) Read the Bible everyday and read it all the way through: Check! I have read the Bible everyday and am doing a reading plan to help you read it all the way through during a calendar year. It says I have read 7.9% so far.
5) Use the treadmill 4 times/week: Well, I have done pretty well with this. My neighbor and I set a schedule to go workout at the neighborhood clubhouse on Tues, Thurs, and Sun nights. But both of our husbands travel some for work - and we both have toddlers. And I have done better about walking on my treadmill. And I have Plantar Fasciitis, so I have tried to take a small break for that to heal. Hopefully I can get back into my routine this week or next week.
6) Use coupons when I shop: Doing better! I actually went to CVS this past week and bought a package of diapers, 2 small containers of laundry detergent, 2 6-packs of paper towels, and 2 jugs of white grape juice - spent $7.xx and saved $37.xx - not too shabby!! I do have a hard time though, because in my effort to cook more, there are recipes I want to make and need to buy the items for it - typically without coupons. I don't know if I should start only coupon shopping and create a stockpile of items, or if I should just go through the inserts and cut out the coupons for items I know we will use soon and file them away. If you care to weigh in on that dilemma, please feel free!
7) De-clutter & simplify: There will be a post dedicated to just this. I think I also want to add "organize" to this one. But yes - stay tuned...I even bought a book for this one :)
8) Find a Sunday school class at church: Negative. I did get a brochure that had all of them listed though - definite progress!
9) Buy fresh flowers once/month: Dangit! We had people over last night and I meant to get flowers when I shopping for that. I guess I need to go buy some today so I don't fail my first month. I think I will do that this afternoon.
10) Have a date day/night with Brad at least once/month: Success! We did that earlier this month - and actually have done it maybe 3 times this month! I like this resolution :)
11) Send 2 hand-written notes/month: One down, one to go. I even bought cute paper and envelopes for this one! Maybe I will include that with the organization post. I plan to write a letter/card this afternoon though! So yes, check!
12) Have another baby!: Still trying! Hopefully this happens sooner rather than later...
Not too bad for the first month of my resolutions! I hope I can keep up the good work throughout the whole year. I definitely think all of these items are doable and plan to keep it up!