Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Resolutions

So I decided to go ahead and write my resolutions down. Maybe looking at them will hold me more accountable. And maybe I can "check in" with myself on a monthly basis and see what kind of progress I am making. I tried to be a bit more reasonable this year. We will see how it goes :)

1) Read 14 books - This may be challenging since I will also be reading the Bible every day. We will see what happens!
2) Learn to sew - I really want a sewing machine. I should probably do a class at JoAnn's to make sure I have the patience to last :)
3) Cook more frequently (aiming for 2 - 3 times per week) - I have some great cookbooks and recipes - now, time to find the time!
4) Read the Bible everyday and read it the whole way through - Brad's mom is letting me borrow her book that gives daily readings and offers insight to the passages. I am excited about this project!
5) Use the treadmill 4 times per week - or at least some form of exercise...
6) Use coupons when I shop - every bit of savings helps, right?!
7) De-clutter & simplify - always a goal, right??
8) Find a Sunday school class at church - Our church is so big ... I think it is definitely necessary that we find a class so we can get to have a tight knit group of people at church.
9) Buy fresh flowers once per month - I love the quote, "Where fresh flowers bloom so does hope." ~Lady Bird Johnson
10) Have a date day/night with Brad once per month. - We actually did that today! We went to a movie, dinner, and then stopped at Academy Sports & Target. So nice to go out just the two of us!
11) Send 2 hand-written notes per month. - This means I need to buy some stamps!!
12) Have another baby! - Of course, this isn't really in my control. But it sure would be nice to be a family of four some time this year!

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