Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Transitions + Firsts

With a little baby, there are always exciting firsts and nervewracking transitions.  Well, folks, we are in the midst of both!  Jack is at the age where he is experiencing a lot of things for the first time, including some big transitions.

I wanted to wait until we got back from vacation to work on getting him into his crib.  Well last week, we started doing naptime in his crib.  Please excuse the poor swaddling job - he was unhappy and I thought doing a quick swaddle would help!
 I know, I know..."back is best"...well, this was the only way he could get comfy.  And he can roll to his back...and I was watching on the monitor :)  He slept though!
He has done alright with napping in there - we still swaddle him at night and I hadn't been swaddling him for naps, so I think that was somewhat problematic.  He would startle awake and then get scared.  Once he was finally asleep, he'd sleep a good 1.5-2 hours though!

That very same day, he had cereal for the first time!  He loved it and has been doing a great job with it - it also means he is nursing only 5 times a day now!
We also put him in the Exersaucer for the first time last week...and he LOVES it!  I cannot believe he is already big enough for all of this!
Well, last night, I bit the bullet and decided I'd try to let him sleep through the night in his crib (not sure why I decided to do this on a night when Brad is out of town).  I had both kids in bed asleep by 7:40 - not too shabby, huh!  Well, Jack woke up and screamed, so I swaddled him and fed him one last time and he was down for the count by 8:45.  And he slept until 7:25 this morning.  A-MA-ZING!!  I had been stressed about this big transition and I'm so glad the first night went so well!  I know there will be nights that are more restless, but at least I know he can do it!  This is the sweet, rested face that greeted me when I went to get him up to feed him!
I also think this boy is going to be a thumbsucker...that is how he sometimes falls asleep when he isn't swaddled!
Whew!  I am hoping to really get on a good routine for Jack - for naptimes, feedings, cereal, and bedtime.  It is a lot to tackle, but I think we are well on our way!


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