Monday, October 25, 2010

A Different Kind of #1

The past few baths, I have been meaning to try out Katie's potty. Well, let me clarify. I didn't want to personally try it. I wanted to sit Katie on it before sitting her in the tub. She almost always pees in the tub when she gets in, so I thought it would be a good idea to let her sit on her own potty before bathtime. So tonight I remembered. I brought her in the bathroom (armed with my camera, of course) and got all excited about her potty so she'd want to sit on it. She sat and seemed to like it pretty good. All of a sudden she looked at me with a HUGE grin - could she possibly have known that she had peed and I'd be so proud of her?! I know it was probably a fluke, but I am so proud that she tinkled the first time on her potty! I gave her hugs and kisses and lots of praise. Sadie was in there and got super excited. Katie seemed like she got the idea that peeing on her potty is a good thing. I put her in the tub and showed her where she peed and got all excited again.
With that said, I am not, by any means, trying to potty train her just yet. I'd most definitely love to save money on diapers. But I don't think she is ready - she still wakes up wet from naptime, and her diaper is at full capacity in the morning. Also, at mom's day out, they specifically said that was not the setting for potty training. I guess next summer we will really work on it since she is not in mother's day out then. For now, a pee pee before bathtime is super exciting for this proud momma!
First time on her very own potty!

She was still so excited after I put her in the tub!

*Confession: I did take a picture of her tinkle. I decided no one else needs to see it (except maybe Brad, since he didn't get to witness the great event)!

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