Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Goodies

Sweets are a must along with the Christmas season!  As I type this, my mouth is watering just thinking about all the yummy goodness that Brad's aunt made (and we will be consuming tonight)! Fudge, cookies, cheesecake, cupcakes....DELICIOUS! This year, I did some baking myself!

Brad had been asking me to make a coffee cake for quite some time.  Since the thought of food made me want to cry for several weeks, he just had to wait.  But last weekend I finally felt up to the task!  And it turned out pretty nice (and yummy), I think!  It definitely tasted better a day or two after I had made it.
 I also baked cookies for our neighbors as a gift from us!  I made peppermint sugar cookies and mint double chocolate turds cookies - they were both pretty tasty - even if they weren't aesthetically pleasing (if I do say so myself)!  I especially love the little boxes I put them in!  Thanks, TJ Maxx!
 Earlier this week, we had a little tea party!  Katie, myself, Grandma, Cee Cee, and June (a family friend from many years ago) enjoyed it - what fun!  I know Katie really enjoyed it.  Here is a little picture of some of the food...
Earlier this month, Katie and I baked some cookies on a rainy day!  Here she is ready to go - that apron was mine when I was little!
 And, of course, a self portrait - not too shabby!  I love my girl so much!  But please excuse me looking pretty rough...
 And the cookies! Aren't they cute?! Next year I want to make plain old sugar cookies and let Katie put icing and sprinkles on.  This year, this definitely worked!
 Katie loved it!  Here she is waiting on her cookie to cool off.  It was definitely a lesson on patience also - she had to wait to let the cookies bake and then let hers cool off!
I'm hoping we can decorate our gingerbread house today - if not, we may do it after Christmas and try to let it be a festive New Years house :)


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