Friday, August 27, 2010

Big Girl Eating

This post will be of current events in the life of our sweet pea - more specifically, the eating and drinking life (which she loves)! She has started actually eating bites of food rather than me having to tear each item into little pieces. That is a big step, I think! Also, she has been great about the sippy cup, so a few days ago I offered her a sippy cup with no handles and she did wonderfully! Since she did so well with that, I tried to give her a big girl sippy - the kind with a hard spout, no handles, etc.....and she loved it! Just when I think we are nice and comfy at a stage, it is time for a new, fun adventure. While this isn't a HUGE deal, I thought it was exciting that she is transitioning to a "big girl" stage. We are working on the eating with forks and spoons, but still struggling there. Maybe that will happen soon! Another big transition that will happen next week is that Katie starts school! She will be going to Mom's Day Out 2 days a week at our church and I think she will LOVE it! More to come on well as my effort to catch up on the posts swimming around in my head :)

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