On this day seven years ago, this happened....
How in the world have I been married SEVEN years!!?? Good grief. We have accomplished oh so much since this day seven years ago...and I wouldn't want anybody else by my side to experience it all with!
Life really couldn't get any better...we are blessed to be surrounded by close family and friends, have a roof over our head, and two amazing children (and one great dog too!)...sometimes I feel like I am playing house - this is exactly where I wanted to be at this point in life and it seems so surreal at times!
I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us as a couple and us as a family...
Brad is such a great husband, daddy, provider, friend, and person in general. I am so blessed to call him all mine! :)
And just because I love this picture, I thought I'd include it too :) We've got a crazy bunch of friends and family...that's for sure!
Happy Anniversary to us! I love you forever and ever, Brad!
And maybe one day I will scan some more pictures...I love all of them from our wedding but I didn't get them on CD...just in an album! Can't wait to take some time this afternoon and look through them :)

Happy Anniversary!!!