I started this post on Friday with good intentions to publish it yesterday. Well between going to tae bo, party prep, and spending the day with my family, it didn't happen. Better late than never right? And the 12 month post and party pics will be coming soon, so stay tuned!
I cannot believe that this is how I started my day one year ago. 365 days. 8760 hours. 525,600 minutes....you get the point. Holy cow. Baby Jack is ONE today! How is that even possible?!
I constantly tell people that if every baby was like Jack, people would likely have 15 children. He truly is the happiest, smiliest, sweetest baby there ever was. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't make a comment about him smiling all the time. Or asking if he ever cries. (And the answer to that is yes - but it takes a lot, like teething, to prompt that)
We tried for so long to have a second child. And now I know why God chose for us to work hard and be patient and wait. This boy is truly a blessing to us and everyone he meets. He is funny, sweet, smiley, smart, fun-loving, cuddly, adventurous, and all boy for sure!
He loves his sister - he lights up at just the sight of her. And she loves him so much - she hates it when we speak to him sternly or if he gets in trouble. She always makes sure he has a toy to play with. And she loves to go in and greet him in the mornings or after a nap.
It has been quite the year, but it has flown by. I didn't think time could go by more quickly, but I was wrong. I feel like I blinked and he is turning one.
It has been so much fun to watch him grown and learn and flourish. I cannot wait to see what the next year holds for Jack and for our family.
We love you so much! Now let the froggy party fun begin!

Happy 1st Birthday, Jack!