I almost forgot today is Wednesday....which only means one thing! Here's what I'm loving today!
I'm LOVING that my dentist office gave out tea and blue bubble gum cigars to all patients yesterday in celebration of the royal baby (who I saw will be called Prince George - makes me think of Seinfeld...hopefully that baby is cuter than George from Seinfeld...)! I'm also happy to report that I am cavity-free!
I'm LOVING Stitch Fix! I got my first fix this past Monday (a separate post coming), and this is the shirt I decided to keep! Not sure what Stitch Fix is? Well, it is a website where you join and fill out a questionnaire about your style preferences and they have a stylist who picks out items and sends them your way. You pay for what you love. You send the rest back. Pretty awesome, no? Wanna join? Please, oh, please use {my link}!!!
I'm LOVING this picture Katie drew of her, me, and Brad. We all have hats on. And she and I are wearing lipstick while Brad is wearing chapstick (because, of course, he is a boy).
I'm LOVING this! May have to print it and frame it to put outside the kids' rooms!
I'm LOVING this sweet, snuggly, BIG boy!!
And I'm LOVING this loving, hilarious, BIG girl!
What are YOU loving today? Link up {here} if ya wanna!

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