Well, we survived yet another birthday party at our house! I know I keep saying this, but I still cannot believe Jack has turned one! We had such a blast at his party and feel so blessed to have such loving family and friends! I think Jack had a great time - he took an excellent nap (which could have been the sugar crash as well) if that says anything :)
The birthday party theme was frogs and it turned out just how I had hoped! I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like and it all came together just right! And it was relaxed and fun and just what I had wanted it to be! All of the adults got to visit and the kids got to play - perfect! After some free time, we sang happy birthday and then Jack had his fun with his cake and then the big kids went outside to play on a bunch of water toys! I had a snow cone machine outside - very fun! Nothing like loading kids up on sugar (cake, cake pops, and snow cones) just to send them on their way! Here are {quite a few} pictures from the fun!
First of all, we started with the invitation...LOVE how it turned out! And then the planning and such went from there!
The front door...of course I couldn't have a party without some dots involved :) And I made the wreath for the front door!
The perfect garden flag! I love it - and I will keep it up for quite some time!
The food spread! I love the tablecloth I found at Hobby Lobby - we will use that a lot...even to take for picnics and things like that!
I had pictures out from the last year!
Closer view of the cakes and frogs and pinwheels!
The cake - it was as delicious as it was cute!
And then balloons on the highchair! It was ready for the cake smash :)
And here is an up close view of the ribbon garland I made for the tray and the bib and birthday hat! Adorable!
This is the table in the foyer - I love how the bulletin board with "the first year of Jack" turned out...and the frogs...and the basket of party favors! Something that I didn't get a picture of was that I had a book (with a frog theme, of course) out for people to write a birthday wish in. So neat - except there are some folks that still need to write in it :)
These are push pop containers with the cutest frogs on them - and inside? Apple JACKs! :) Coordinated with the green theme AND his name :)
I also made a banner for the living room with a picture of him at newborn and each month - I used chalkboard clips to clip each picture onto some burlap...LOVE this! I don't want to take it down!
And the birthday boy! Ready to party hardy!
Big sis matched the birthday boy - love this picture!
I love this one too - so I decided to include it :) Sweet, sweet kiddos.
Katie was playing hostess the whole time - she was in heaven - and she was so sweet! Here she is with Stella!
And both kiddos with Papa!
Katie and Brad - you can't tell, but they were both less than thrilled to have a picture made!
Cutie baby...so sweet!
And a candid of a bunch of the kids playing and having a big old time!
I managed to get one good picture with his hat on. After that, it was on the floor...
While everyone was singing happy birthday to him! He loved looking around and then looking at the cake! He also liked the fire...uh oh!
Daddy helping blow out the one candle!
His reaction to his first touch of the cake...
So Brad force-fed him one bite of icing...(love Jack's expression...like "you expect ME to eat THIS?? you've got to be kidding me!")
But then he took a bite and loved it!
He loved it so much that he dug right in and got a huge handful of icing and cake!
Love this of Uncle Will watching him dig in :) ... I think Will was wishing he were digging in!
Get it, Jack!
He was SO proud of himself! Here he is showing off handfuls of cake!
I think at this point he was on a sugar high ... had a glazed over look of contentment :)
Katie was so proud and excited for him!
And a family shot - LOVE this!
I'd say he did some damage! This was before it hit the trash!
And this was before cleanup...he got it all in his hair and all over the floor!
A picture with Ruth + Owen (my paternal grandparents) - I am so glad they came!
The guys! My grandfather, my dad, my brother, Brad, and Jack - great picture!
And our friends Avery and Olivia! Such sweet girls!
And then on to the water fun! Here are some of the girlies enjoying a snow cone!
The kids had a BLAST - and I am so glad I could get them outside to get their sugar-induced energy out while Jack took a nap :)
Sweet Stella playing!
After everybody had left, Jack woke up - we let him have some fun on the water toys too!
I'm not sure what exactly is going on here, but I think it is hilarious!
He had a ball - I can just hear the squeal of excitement!
Love this baby boy...what a smile :)
And then the goofy side came out - this may be my favorite...I love it!
They had fun splashing around on this too!
After getting the yard and the kids cleaned up, we ate dinner and the kids were asleep by 7. Perfect ending to a party day! Jack didn't open his presents until the next morning so he could enjoy it. Here is the living room before I went to bed - just waiting on him to wake up and play!
What a fun, special day! I can't wait to see what the next year brings! And Katie is already planning Jack's 2nd birthday party...I think I've created a monster :)
Here are the vendors I used to bring it all together...
Invitations: Beth Hart Designs
Polka Dot Balloons: Polka Dot Market
Party Favors and Drink Bucket: I Have A Favor!
Cake Pops: Faye's Cake Pops
Birthday + Smash Cake: Julia's Homestyle Bakery
Hat + Bib: Dainty Couture
Wreath: Me!
Frog Outfits: Velani Classics (ordered from Zulily)
Water Toys: Target

What a cute theme! I'm glad it went well!