Whew! Things are crazy in these parts lately. But I am going to catch up, I promise. And that means lots of reading material for anybody that hasn't given up on me and this blog :) There's a week and a half of fun to catch up on (meanwhile, other fun things are happening - ah!), so be sure to check back frequently.
About a week and a half ago (oops), we went to a farm about 30 minutes away to pick strawberries! It is nearing the end of strawberry season, but I was so glad we were able to do it! I wanted to last year, but I was humongous pregnant and then had a new baby and was recovering from the c-section, so it wasn't in the cards. We went with some of our friends down the street and had a ball! We went and picked strawberries (and I am fairly certain Katie ate as many walking through the fields as she picked) and then we had a picnic lunch! It was just so fun!
Here is the crew before heading down to the strawberry fields. This place had 6 different varieties of strawberries and they were all delicious!
I'm glad I remembered that Katie had a strawberry outfit :) Just perfect for the occasion!
Listening intently to the farmer as to what makes a strawberry good to eat now vs good to put in the basket...
And they were off!
Jenn did lots of picking and divvying out the eat now ones - and I pushed Jack and took pictures...oh, and ate strawberries :)
Katie LOVED it - she ate the entire strawberry...stem and all!
Love this sweet, strawberry-lovin girl. She has proclaimed that strawberries are her favorite fruit. I definitely believe it after seeing how many she ate!
And Sydney, Jenn, + Reagan! Love this picture!
Aren't those strawberries amazing? YUM!
Once we filled our baskets and paid, it was picnic time! The kids did a silly picture first...
And then a sweet picture before digging into the lunches we brought!
Me and my babies...looks like Jack is doing the Thriller dance to me :)
And all the kiddos wanted in! So funny.
Jenn loaded the kids up and I let Jack out to explore a little before we headed out. He loved it! I think this picture sums him up nicely...he was surveying what he could get into next. And that is him to a tee!
I can't wait to go back and pick some blueberries! I love summer...and fruit!

Cute pictures! It looks like you had fun!