Thursday, September 1, 2011

A New School Year!

You might have thought you heard a chorus of angels singing this morning as you sipped your morning coffee.  It wasn't angels - it was me singing and leaping for joy because of the first day of the school year for Katie's Mother's Day Out!  While I absolutely LOVE my time with my girl and being a momma, I also need a break.  I need time to do some work.  I need time for me.  I need time to get my hair cut and go to the doctor.  I need time....okay, okay, you get the idea!  I had orientation with her teachers a couple of weeks ago and prepped all of her things as instructed: naptime items in the big bag, labeled sippy cups, no lunchbox - only the container they provided with her lunch in it, labeled diapers, and a change of clothes.  We were ready.  And of course I got a cute dress for her to wear - which naturally!! 
 {on our first attempt at a picture, she was more entertained by the leaves that have started falling.  she picked this one in particular up and kept saying "pretty".}
 {and then she picked her own spot for an indoor picture.  on the bar stool at the table that is currently in our dining room.  she did look mighty cute sitting up there!}
 {after breakfast, it was time to hit the road to school - she was lugging her bag to the car and getting excited about seeing her friends and meeting her new teachers!}
{and finally...I wanted a good outdoor picture and knew they had some pretty flowers at church.  this was the best we got...she is smiling at the camera, but I'm not sure what's going on with her hands.  she may have been telling me she had had enough and was ready to go inside and play!}

And you may be curious about what I did with my few hours of freedom...well, I did some work, went on a run, ate lunch with Brad and one of my best friends, and went to Target.  Sounds pretty perfect, huh!  And next Tuesday while she is at MDO, I have a haircut and a massage lined up.  Can't wait!

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