I was coming up with resolutions for this new year in my head over the last few days and then I read my friend Melinda's post with her goals for 2012. And I liked her rationale. So, I'm going with it too!
I know I don't really HAVE to set goals (or as some may say, resolutions), but I like having things to try to accomplish throughout the year. I agree with Melinda...life is a work in progress and is always changing. So with that, I am making 2012 Goals!
Here are some goals that I have set for this going-to-be-oh-so-wonderful year of 2012:
1) Blog every day: I know this may not be terribly realistic, especially once we have a newborn in the house, but I want to do my best to capture the realistic, day-to-day happenings of our lives!
2) Read more: I don't think I am going to give myself a certain number this year. I know I'd like to read more this year than I did last year, but we shall see. With my new Kindle Fire, I think it will make this goal a little easier - I am already on my second book this year!
3) Read the Bible everyday: Even if it is just a few verses, I want to do better about having quiet times in God's Word each day.
4) Find a Sunday school class: This is a bit of a carry-over from last year. But it is still important to me!
5) Stay in shape (or get back into shape): I am going to try to not gain as much with this pregnancy, which will hopefully allow getting back into shape to be a bit easier.
6) Be crafty: Pinterest is inspiring me to be crafty and to continue to try more recipes! I want to do a Pinterest project once a month (reasonable, right?). Since I got my sewing machine for Christmas, I'd like to learn some basic, fun baby things and make them before June!
7) Save money at the grocery store: Does this mean hardcore couponing? Not sure. I, at least, want to cut out coupons from the inserts each week - every bit of savings helps!!
8) Simplify & organize: I feel like we are surrounded by stuff! I'd love to donate or repurpose or something! Maybe a project a month? We will see!
9) Send family and close friends a birthday card in the mail: I always intend to send birthday cards to our family and friends when their birthdays roll around, but I usually forget or it is too late. This year, I'm going to try to do better!
10) Be a better wife and momma: I think there is always room for improvement here. Patience is likely the key to success.
I hope I can say that I did a super job working on my goals (and hopefully even accomplishing them) this year. Even if there are too many...or if they are too lofty, I want to capture the real things I hope to do this year! I don't know if I will do monthly updates like last year, but I will definitely be sharing how I am doing with each one of these - once they are written and made public, it definitely holds me more accountable!
Good goals, lady! You can totally achieve them all... You're a superhero. =)