Sunday, January 29, 2012

Get Your Guac On

For the last week or so, I have been really wanting some guacamole from a local restaurant.  You see, it is not just any guacamole.  They make it tableside.  And I am fairly certain they put crack in it.   It is uh-ma-zing!!  It is avocados, onions, tomatoes, lime juice, spice (not sure what kind), and some sort of green herb - maybe cilantro?  And you can request the level of spice you like.  I love it.  And this week, I think I could have eaten it every single meal.  
 Well, ladies and gentlemen...I finally got my guac last night! And it was delicious!  Every.single.bite.  Their chips are pretty amazing too - they make their own.
And when we got there last night, I happened to notice the daily specials.  And the tableside guacamole is half price on Mondays.  I know where I'll be heading at 5:00 tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I am OBSESSED with guacamole lately. Seriously cannot get enough!
