Monday, July 16, 2012

Jack: One Month

We are certainly blessed here!  Jack started doing a 5-7 hour "long stretch" at night on his due date!  Amazing, no?  He obviously sleeps a lot these days, but the evening time is most important to me (so I can, in turn, sleep)!
Jack eats at least 8 times a day, sometimes 9.  During the day, he eats every 2 to 2.5 hours.  Exhausting for this momma, but if it means I get some good quality sleep (5-6 hours straight) at night, I'll take it!  He is also growing like a weed, so it must be working!
No new "official" amount, but I weighed with and without him a couple nights ago and according to that, he weighs roughly 10 pounds 3 ounces.  Whoa!  
Again, no official amount here either.  I know he feels longer than even a week ago!
Size Clothes
Definitely 0-3 month!  I can't believe I already need to pack up the newborn goods.
Size Diapers
We are finishing up a pack of newborn and then will be phasing in the size 1 - likely this week!
Hair color
The hair he does have is brown.  There seems to be a little more hair than when he was born, but he has a long way to go!
Eye color
His eyes were almost navy at birth, but they appear to be lightening up.  Hopefully he will have pretty blue eyes once everything is said and done!
Looking Like
I'd say he definitely looks like his daddy...and Brad's dad too!  He does have some expressions that remind me of my brother (Uncle Will).
Favorite toy
He loves the swing that goes back and forth - he tolerates the swing that goes side to side.  And he isn't a fan of the papasan chair at this point.  He also hasn't quite decided if he is a pacifier kinda kid - he does use one in the evenings when he is fussy, but he much prefers me!
Everything!  See yesterday's post for that one ... party, trip to Target, bottle, smile, trip to the doctor's office, etc!
He seems so strong!  He was bridging his legs the other day during tummy time.  As I type this, he is "standing" against Brad's chest and pushing up to look at him!  His neck control is better by the day (he started off pretty strong!).  He likes looking at the fans and the picture hanging above our bed.  He tracks things with his eyes and responds to sounds.
Anything else?
I love how happy he is in the mornings!  I feed him usually around 5 or so and then he goes back to sleep until somewhere between 7 and 8 and eats again.  And then he is awake and so happy!  He is usually alert from about 7:30 to 9:30 and then again in the afternoon and then again at night before his last feeding.  When he sneezes, he has the loudest "wind up" of any baby I know!  He is also super ticklish.  Katie is his number one fan.  She loves it when he is awake- she wants to see his eyes and nose and mouth.  And she likes tickling him (gently of course) and kissing his head.  When he cries, she covers her whole face until he stops. And when she walks up, Jack's face just lights up.  I think he loves his big sis!  Oh, and isn't it too early for babies to pull hair at this age?!  Because he definitely does that now.  Ouch!
I think this next picture is HILARIOUS.  Doesn't it look like he is afraid of the elephant?? HA!


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