Friday, May 4, 2012

Katie's Birthday: Rounds 3 and 4

Boy does this girl get some mileage out of her birthday!  I guess she does learn from the best ... I like to celebrate for at least a week!  Tuesday and Wednesday Katie had even more celebrations!

On Tuesday, she took donut holes from Krispy Kreme to her mother's day out class and celebrated there.  I don't have any pictures, but I know they had fun!  She said they sang happy birthday to her and she got a little embarrassed and stuck her tongue out (her words)!  Silly girl.

On Wednesday, we went to my mom's house for another celebration!  My brother was sick for her party and he wanted to have a mini-party for her.  She was SO excited - this girl does love to party!  We got there and she felt so special and twirly and was SO well-behaved...I was impressed!  We ate lunch (Katie had her first blue jello) and opened presents and she wanted to hunt easter eggs at Cee Cee's house!  She had such a blast and fell asleep hard in the car on the way home! Here are some pictures...

Posing with her presents and decorations!
 I wanted to get a few pictures of her with her party girl clothes on!
 And one more - she actually was pretty cooperative taking these pictures!
 When we got back inside, we were all ready to eat some lunch!  Here is Katie trying her first blue jello (and really, her first jello ever)!
 And after we ate lunch, they had some Gigi's cupcakes!  YUM!
 And she could hardly wait for present time!  She has become quite the professional at opening presents!  In this picture, Cee Cee was reading a card to her.
 She got the cutest, brightest, polka dottiest giraffe named Gracie...adorable!  She LOVES Gracie!
 I had saved some old bread to try and feed the ducks with at a pond in my mom's neighborhood.  Well, Canadian geese were all that were around - not fun.  We need to go to a park where there are actual ducks...not aggressive geese!  These guys kept hissing at us - not nice!  And Katie was definitely scared.  See one looking at her?? I am fairly certain she sprinted to hide behind me right after this picture!
 And on the way home - she was OUT!  Definitely a success!



  1. I love her party girl outfit! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner blog. I live in Smyrna and work in Franklin. It's so funy to read blogs of other people in Middle Tennessee.

  2. Stopping by from Kelly's Korner. I'm just north of Nashville. That dress is so cute!

  3. Hi Ashley! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner. Your little one is beautiful!

  4. All great parties end with a nap! Looks like this girlie has definitely enjoyed her birthday :)
